As a woman, I want a man.
I want a man who is both strong interiorly and externally.
I want a man who is not afraid to cry.
I want a man who makes me laugh, smile, and weep.
I want a man who loves and honors his mother.
I want a man who lays down his life for me.
I want a man who takes my punishment on himself.
I want a man who always forgives.
I want a man who lavishes me with gifts.
I want a man who makes me clean with his precious blood.
I want a man who prays to his Father and who gives me the Holy Spirit.
I want a man who is my best friend; father forever; prince of peace.
I want a man who I can consume; consume his body, blood, soul, and divinity
I want a man who is present one-hundred percent of the time.
Essentially, I want a man who is perfect.
And that man has been given to me.